Contact Custom Personalized Lawn Care 

Flint - Saginaw - Lansing - Novi 

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 90079, Burton, MI 48509 

Do you have questions about our Lawn Care Services
Fill out the form below and someone will contact you or Call us at (844) 429-0229

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Custom Personalized Lawn Care Terms of Service 


All services auto-renew each season to ensure the effectiveness of our seasonal turf treatments, and to maintain the integrity of a timely treatment schedule. Services can be altered or cancelled at any time, but you will be responsible for payment of any services performed prior to notifying us.  


All special offers and discounts applied to an account are valid for the current season only and will not carry over into the next year of services. If services are canceled before all treatments have been completed, any applied savings offers will be removed and added to your ending balance.  


A late charge of $4.90 will be applied to any account with a balance that is 30 days past day. Any balances due after 90 days risk being forwarded to a national collection agency or small claims court for further action. View full terms of service for more details.  

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