Fleas and ticks are common pests that can cause significant discomfort and health problems for your family and pets in Michigan. Not only do these pests cause itchy bites, but they can also transmit diseases such as Lyme disease. 

At Custom, we understand the importance of protecting your family and pets from fleas and ticks. That's why we offer effective flea and tick control services to our customers in Michigan. 

*See Terms of Service

*Special Offer

Flea & Tick Spray
for Lawn

Our flea and tick control program is combined with our Mosquito Controland includes the use of safe and effective products to reduce flea and tick populations and prevent future infestations. Since fleas and ticks are so hard to see, many people don’t know where they hide. Fleas and ticks enjoy warm temperatures but prefer to reside in the shady areas of your lawn. These areas can be in the shade of trees, bushes, under decks and porches. They also live in tall grass or other overgrown areas of your yard. Cats and dogs often explore or nap in these high-risk areas of the yard. This can cause your pets to unknowingly transfer fleas and ticks into your home. Once inside, a female flea can lay up to 50 eggs a day for six months in your carpet, beds, and furniture. 

Our team is knowledgeable and experienced in treating common flea and tick breeding areas, such as tall grass and shaded areas, to eliminate these pests from your property. We take pride in using only the best products and equipment to ensure that our services are safe and effective for your lawn and the environment. 

Keep Your Family and Pets SAFE from Fleas and Ticks. 

Contact us today to schedule your flea and tick control services and enjoy a pest-free outdoor experience! 

Dangers From Fleas & Ticks 

Fleas and ticks can drive your pets crazy and can cause rashes on humans. They can also carry diseases which can affect both pets and humans. 


  • Lyme Disease: Causes rashes, joint pain, chills, fever, and general fatigue.
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: Fever, nausea, conjunctivitis (pink-eye), joint pain, and muscle pain.


  •  Allergies: Flea fecal matter and saliva can cause allergic reactions in both animals and humans. 
  • Tapeworms: Fleas can carry tapeworms that can be ingested by cats, dogs, and even infants.
  • Murine Typhus: Fleas contract this disease by biting infected rats. Symptoms include body aches, fever, and nausea.

Custom Personalized Lawn Care Terms of Service 


All services auto-renew each season to ensure the effectiveness of our seasonal turf treatments, and to maintain the integrity of a timely treatment schedule. Services can be altered or cancelled at any time, but you will be responsible for payment of any services performed prior to notifying us.  


All special offers and discounts applied to an account are valid for the current season only and will not carry over into the next year of services. If services are canceled before all treatments have been completed, any applied savings offers will be removed and added to your ending balance.  


A late charge of $4.90 will be applied to any account with a balance that is 30 days past day. Any balances due after 90 days risk being forwarded to a national collection agency or small claims court for further action. View full terms of service for more details.  

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